Rain followed by a few sunny, warm days has brought rapid growth! Unfortunately, someone’s been nibbling the lettuces and cabbage. I made a nasty smelling spray by steeping onion, garlic, black pepper, cayenne, and ginger in boiling water. Hopefully, it will keep the critters out.
scallop squash from seed
zucchini, cucumber, and yellow squash from seed, nasturtiums
pumpkins from seed
bell peppers, parsley, eggplants, tarragon, and okra
tomatillos, hot pepper, tomatoes, oregano, yellow squash, dill
spicy basil, purple basil, Italian basil, lavender, rosemary, red cabbage
mesclun mix, mustard greens and Swiss chard from seed
chamomile, cilantro, carrots, green beans
bell peppers, cucumber, tomatoes, red cabbage, purple basil and cilantro